Taizy Machinery telah memperkenalkan mesin pemotong sayuran multifungsi revolusioner, yang dirancang untuk memotong sayuran dan buah-buahan menjadi berbagai bentuk...
Kategori - Pengolahan Buah dan Sayur
The black garlic fermenter machine is used for the fermentation of garlic. The black garlic obtained after fermentation is rich in nutrients. It not only...
Mesin pemotong keripik pisang komersial banyak digunakan untuk memotong berbagai macam umbi-umbian dan buah-buahan.
The fruit pulping machine can make juice from vegetables and fruits, separating fruit kernels, seeds and thin skin, processing vegetables and fruits.
The bean sprout washing machine (cleaning machine) is used to clean mung bean sprouts, Alfalfa Sprouts, Mung Bean Sprouts, Broccoli Sprouts, and other raw...
Mesin cuci wortel yang didesain unik dapat digunakan untuk mencuci dan mengupas wortel.
Mesin cuci blueberry mengadopsi prinsip pembersihan gelembung, yang tidak akan merusak blueberry.
The date palm processing line is mainly used for jujube cleaning, air drying, grading, and other tasks. The date palm cleaning and drying line is mainly...
The chili pepper washing line is a production line for washing and drying chili peppers. This production line can be used to clean various types of peppers...
The ginger powder production line processes ginger into ginger powder by using a ginger powder processing machine. It includes washing and peeling, slicing...
The spiral fruit juice making machine uses the principle of screw squeezing to squeeze fruits and vegetables. It applies for apples, pineapples, oranges, and...