Taizy Machinery telah memperkenalkan mesin pemotong sayuran multifungsi revolusioner, yang dirancang untuk memotong sayuran dan buah-buahan menjadi berbagai bentuk...
Kategori - Pengolahan Buah dan Sayur
Mesin pemisah siung bawang putih elektrik komersial ini terutama digunakan untuk memisahkan apel dari umbinya.
Jujube grading machine is also called the date sorting machine. It is mainly used for the classification of various round and oval fruit and vegetables. For...
The hot air food drying machine is a kind of equipment used to dry various food materials. It has a multifunctional function. The machine equips with low noise...
Mesin ekstraktor jus delima sekrup kembar cocok untuk membuat jus berbagai buah dan sayuran, seperti apel, jeruk, anggur, dll.
The potato peeler is used to peel the skin of a potato and cut it into a threadlike shape that can be used for the potato chip production line or daily life...
Mesin pembuat jus markisa merupakan alat ekstraksi sari buah markisa (markisa) khusus. Sambil menekan jus...
The commercial omegranate peeling machine is also called a pomegranate seed extractor. This machine is mainly used for peeling and separating pomegranates.
The commercial potato slicer machine is used to slice the potato into thin pieces, and it also can slice sweet potato, cucumber, carrot, banana, etc. The...
Mesin pengupas singkong adalah mencuci singkong terlebih dahulu kemudian mengupas kulit singkong dengan cara memutar roller yang terbuat dari baja secara konstan.
The cassava crusher machine is used to crush cassava into small pieces in order to make powder in the following steps, which widely applying to the garri...